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Please select the appropriate form that you are requesting. Fill in all the requested fields and save the document. Once completed, please submit your saved PDF Application below as an attachment.  Residential projects require 2 sets of prints.  Commercial projects require 3 sets of stamped and signed prints by an architect or engineer from Pennsylvania. 

Building Subcode Application

To Submit this form, please click, and download the form in PDF format. Fill the form out, save and email the attachment to our offices. 

Electrical Subcode Application

To Submit this form, please click, and download the form in PDF format. Fill the form out, save and email the attachment to our offices. 

Fire Subcode Application

To Submit this form, please click, and download the form in PDF format. Fill the form out, save and email the attachment to our offices. 

Plumbing Subcode Application

To Submit this form, please click, and download the form in PDF format. Fill the form out, save and email the attachment to our offices. 

Mechanical Subcode Application

To Submit this form, please click, and download the form in PDF format. Fill the form out, save and email the attachment to our offices. 

When you have completed the appropriate form above, please submit your form here. If you have trouble, please direct your applications to:

How to complete subcode Poster.jpg
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